Startup “International Student” 起業前・起業家向けスタートアップ支援プログラムPhoeniX2024-2025 Vol.5『VISAが大事!日本での起業準備』

●2024年11月24日(日) 18:00~19:30
●費用 無料(交流会費実費)
●定員 30名程度(フォームより事前申込必須)
・起業していてファイナンスを学びたい方 等
●定員 30名程度(フォームより事前申込必須)
・起業していてファイナンスを学びたい方 等
リーガルゲート行政書士事務所 行政書士 井上 勉
リーガルゲート行政書士事務所 行政書士 井上 勉
●場所 立命館アジア太平洋大学 J棟 J103教室(大分県別府市十文字原1-1)
●参加方法 申込フォーム(必須)
● セミナー後の交流会
● スタートアップ挑戦への支援を希望される方は、相談申込書(にてお申し込みください。承認された場合、中小企業基盤整備機構で本年度より開始されたスタートアップ挑戦支援事業による伴走支援を受けることが出来ます。専門家のサポートなど中小企業基盤整備機構の用意するスタートアップ支援メニューも活用することができますので是非ご活用ください。支援対象者数には限りがありますので、ご希望の方はお早めにどうぞ。
起業前・起業家向けスタートアップ支援プログラム Phoenix2024 セミナーでは2ヶ月に1回程度、起業において欠かすことのできない講座を開催予定です。今後は、起業家、投資家、金融機関などそれぞれの立場からのセミナーを開催していきます!お楽しみに!!
●内容 起業に係る各専門家などのセミナー
●開催日 2ヶ月に1回程度開催(年度末までに6回程度を想定)
●時間 18:00~19:30(予定)
●場所 不老泉2階(オフライン開催のみ) など
〒874-0936 大分県別府市中央町7−16
●定員 各回30名程度(フォームより事前申込必須)
●費用 無料(交流会費実費)
●参加方法 各回申込フォームより(必須)
※申込締め切り 開催日 2日前の17:00
●お問い合わせ 株式会社ASO 担当 齋藤(0977-80-1420)
【Startup Support Program for Pre-entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs VISA is important! Preparing to start a business in Japan】
【Startup Support Program for Pre-entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs VISA is important! Preparing to start a business in Japan】
Phoenix Seminar offers study programs for startups, and in Vol. 5, “VISA is important! Preparing to Start a Business in Japan” and will be speaking on such topics as “The Importance of VISA for International Students Starting a Business in Japan.”
●Place:APU J building J103
●Instructor:Legal-gate Administrative Scrivener Office
Administrative Scrivener Tsutomu Inoue
Administrative Scrivener Tsutomu Inoue
Since opening his Administrative Scrivener Office in 2013, he has specialized in visa and business support and livelihood support related to foreigners. In particular, he has a great deal of experience in helping foreigners start their own businesses, including setting up a coffee bean fair trade business in Yemen, where a civil war continues, and obtaining a business management visa with 3 million yen in capital for the first time in Japan. He also focuses on supporting joint business start-ups between Japanese and foreign students, and has schemes and know-how for starting businesses while still in school with a visa. He is a consultant at the Oita Prefecture General Center for Foreigners.
Since opening his Administrative Scrivener Office in 2013, he has specialized in visa and business support and livelihood support related to foreigners. In particular, he has a great deal of experience in helping foreigners start their own businesses, including setting up a coffee bean fair trade business in Yemen, where a civil war continues, and obtaining a business management visa with 3 million yen in capital for the first time in Japan. He also focuses on supporting joint business start-ups between Japanese and foreign students, and has schemes and know-how for starting businesses while still in school with a visa. He is a consultant at the Oita Prefecture General Center for Foreigners.
●About Legal-gate Administrative Scrivener Office
Supporting the Realization of a Symbiotic Society
Supporting the Realization of a Symbiotic Society
One of the few administrative scrivener offices in Oita Prefecture specializing in foreign affairs. He is the first in Oita Prefecture to be designated as a registered support organization for Specified Skilled Foreigners. He provides various visa and legal consultations for foreigners and companies in many languages. The firm has many clients not only from within Oita Prefecture, but also from outside the prefecture, including Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, and Hokkaido.
●How to participate Application form (required)
Phoenix Seminars will be held every two months this year to learn what entrepreneurs need to know. Seminars will be held on a variety of topics this year. We look forward to your participation.
Joint Event :ASO / SMRJ Kyushu
Contact:ASO Saito(0977-80-1420)
Contact:ASO Saito(0977-80-1420)